Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have had a job since I was 16. First it was a sandwich shop, next a tuxedo shop, and finally Best Buy. Every job I have had has been about WHO I know, and not so much of WHAT I know. The sub shop, my brother’s girlfriend at the time worked there, and he was friends with the manager. The tux shop, my best friend worked there and they needed more help. And finally Best Buy, my brother once again (man I love him) worked there and my family became friends with not only the manager over the position I was hired to, but the general manager of the store. When I arrived at college I was afraid that I would not get a job because of my lack of contacts. I obtained a job working at the football games, but I realized I needed something with more hours and less rude fans. Once again WHO I knew came in handy! I applied to work at the creamery close to my dorm room, and had a reference from one of my roommates. Worried for weeks that I wouldn’t get a job, the roommate would tell me she had been praying about it and she just KNEW that I would get a job. Finally I received a phone call from the hiring manager and I set up an interview for 6:40 that evening. The interview went well, I answered to the best of my abilities accompanied with my biggest, best smile, and was told and the end that I would be contacted in two days to know whether or not I received the position. At 9:40 I got another phone call. The manager wanted to talk to me about some things and asked if I could return to the creamery. I walked in and she simply told me that I should have to wait two days when she already knew she wanted to hire me!!! I WAS SO EXCITED!! It was an answer to prayers that I got this job. I need to help my parents pay for school and housing, not to mention having more spending money for necessities (wants are the furthest things from my mind!). I start training on Tuesday and I start working next semester. Come to find out the roommate that I will now be working with knew for those three excruciating weeks that I would get the job; she just wasn’t allowed to say. I’m so excited to have a good job again! I love working with people, and who knows, dishing ice cream might not be so bad.

Classic Skating

When first announced in church that the ward would have an activity to go to Classic Skating, a flood door was opened and memories of my childhood began rushing in. When I was in 5th and 6th grade, Classic Skating was THE hang out spot. After Mom’s dropped you off you would spend a night of roller blading fun! Not to mention the butterflies that would come alive in your abdomen when a “snowball” song was played and you held hands and skated with a handsome stranger. I giggle at these memories, because as a 5th grader you really couldn’t appreciate a handsome stranger. Finally the day came to return to Classic Skating. The carpet that glowed in the black light, the smooth surface of the rink, and the disco ball as the center of the arena was a familiar location of long past memories. The night was so much fun. Skating, falling and of course a “snowball” song created new memories to compliment the old. Some things you never grow out of, that’s one of the precious beauties of life.

The Miracle of Marcia

So I have already explained that I am in love with books. Though my all time favorite is anything fantasy and fiction, even science is very enjoyable, but I admit that my sisters have gotten me hooked on romance books by one author, Marcia Lynn McClure. Her books at times can be predictable, like most romance anything is, but I find them so enjoyable! They are about finding the Mr. Perfectly Imperfect! But one of my all time favorite things about books is getting the chance to share them with people. My sisters and I collectively have every one of Marcia’s novels, and this Christmas we are getting (hopefully) the newest of her books. Though I remember everything from a book the first time I read it, I find it very enjoyable to revisit stories. As I have had some down time here and there I have read some of Marcia’s books again, and in the process have shared her novels with my roommates and neighbors. I am proud to say that I have four girls completely hooked on her books!! And I love talking to them about each of the novels; it has opened up some really fun conversations. Once again, Marcia wasn’t only a source of personal enjoyment but entertainment amongst friends. That is one of the many miracles of books, not just Marcia’s.

M&M’s, ice cream, pizza, steak and Martinelli’s

While going to college I have discovered some very interesting traditions. It so happens that when certain things happen, there is corresponding items that you owe your roommates. First, holding hands=a bag of M&M’s, next a kiss=ice cream, making out=pizza, and finally an engagement=steak and Martinelli’s. It has been fun as some of the girls start getting crushes and hanging out more with certain boys. So far my apartment is up to three bags of M&M’s and definitely NO ice cream… yet. A tradition I had with my family amongst the siblings is we had to buy ice cream for each other when you got kissed. And the kiss when then rated on the flavor of ice cream. If it was a plain, lame, silly kiss you would probably buy vanilla or nasty pistachio, but if it was a good, tingling in the toes kind of a kiss, then you would buy like Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie!

Quotes, quotes, quotes

In my apartment we have a small cork board in our kitchen. From the first week of school we decided it would be our designated quote wall, and we have filled it up! Most of the quotes need explanations if you were there, and besides my five direct roommates, the two adoptive roommates are the only ones to make it to the quote wall. Sayings from “Boys are like buses,” “I need a tall man with a short mans personality,” “Eggo my waffle,” and “we just cremated a fish” are a few samplers of the many quotes. I’ve loved having moments in the middle of gasping for breath from laughing we get a sticky note and right the funny thing that had us rolling. On all the quotes we put the date in which they were said, and it’s fun to see the time when the roommates fully come out of their shells, because that is the moment when the quote wall bursts with things they say. It’s a nice way to remember the funny moments we’ve had, even now I can’t help but giggle at some of the sayings. I can’t wait to see what the wall is going to look like at the end of winter semester!

“Make all the boys marshmallows go ‘WHAAA’!!”

One of my roommates bought a new coat over the Thanksgiving break. It’s a cute coat, but as soon as she put in on we burst into laughter! In unison the roommates yell “You like a marshmallow!!” I say make up for it by saying “But a very, very cute marshmallow!” But the icing on cake was when the quietest roommate chimes in saying “You’ll make all the boy marshmallows go ‘WHAAA’!!” The next instant we were once again on the floor rolling in laughter. But the marshmallow references didn’t stop flying there, the next moment the Hawaiian got out some marshmallows and literally sent them flying. The next ten minutes were dedicated to a marshmallow war, but soon we joined forces and selected a single target… the neighbors! Ammunition collected, strategy planned, we threw open the back door and charged. Ambushing the neighbors while they were in the kitchen went perfectly. We had the tactical advantage and we claimed our victory! I personally think it was a night well spent.

Ward Slideshow

This past semester has been very memorable with my ward. For the first VERY awkward pizza social, to relief society team building activity, capture the flag, a neon dance and classic skating, things have gone from awkward to awesome. Tonight was fun, once again pizza was present at our get together, but this time everyone was comfortably talking with one another, laughing and joking around, a complete 180 from the first time we met up. After scrumptious pizza we watched a slide show of pictures taken from the first week of school till last week. It was reassuring and fun to be able to recognize people, know their names and be able to recall memories created with them. The only annoying part is this slide show reminded me of girls camp, where every picture that pops up people scream as if they have never seen a picture of them before! Kills me! And then I feel bad when people don’t cheer or scream for those less socially competent kids, and you know that they realize what’s going on. Even if I try to fill in the silence, the awkward, embarrassing has registered. But all in all it was an awesome night. With so many boys and a few girls leaving, it was fun to reminisce one last night.